Rethinking exhibition models of the Venice Biennale: from globalization to the most recent form of decolonization.

26.11 - 12.12.24 Deadline: 16.11.2024 This workshop online provides an immersive and active understanding of curatorial practice and its developments in the last decades.

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Voicing the Archive: Women Make History.

New dates soon available London based, Polish born artist Marysia Lewandowska considers the uses of archives as conceptual tools helping to address relationships between people, their ideas and documents that survived dispersal associated with the passage of time.

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Everything you need to know about curating and organizing an exhibition or a pavilion at the (Venice) Biennale.

13.01 – 07.02.2025 Deadline: 06 January 2025 Everything you need to know about curating and organising an exhibition or a pavilion at the (Venice) Biennale.

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